Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the dells be swells

yes, we made the midwest pilgrimage to wisconsin dells, or "ick"-sconsin dells as amalea put it. we stayed at glacier canyon lodge at the wilderness resort. it must be said that it is rather nice to romp around in a bathing suit when the season is crisp just outside the window.

isabel was almost taken by a shark while miniature golfing. this just happens when you take a 2 1/2 year old to an activity such as this. just across from this fake were some real nurse sharks that we got up close to and watched for a while.
amalea digged the shooting gallery.
swimming sisters.
amalea at one with the camera. always.

'twas the night before thanksgiving...

...and thoughts turn back to all-hallows eve. we carved pumpkins. isabel was squeamish of course. just the other day the feel of fibrous casing of a steamed pea on her tongue made her puke. the faces on the girls' jack-o-lanterns are their own creations (as are the spooky looks they are giving us).
the weather gave us a nasty trick in that it was bitterly cold, thus the wagon and the blankets. needless to say, we did not go neither far nor long for the treats.

Monday, November 2, 2009

the annual trunk-or-treat

with the metamorphosis complete, we witness the emergence of the world's most dazzling butterflies! recall that isabel was a purple butterfly last year. she wanted to be the purple butterfly again this year, but mom told her that she must wear the pink one to get candy.
meet the warrs: the caterpillar, or grub as jason so lovingly put it, chomping on a leaf. the serious cocoon firmly adhered to a stick. and the offspring, the beautiful butterflies.
isabel packing in some candy. she made wearing the pink costume well worth it.
amalea = awwwww!
our trunk decorated as a floral-iffic butterfly world. yahoo, lookey what we have here. lots of candy, and, hey, no coats since it was the perfect fall evening weather-wise (as well as butterfly-wise).